Fairplay Publishing

Fairplay Publishing
Manly, Australia

- Marketing Positioning
- Full Branding
- Supporting Marketing Assets
- Brochure Design
- Visual Identity
- Print Production

Fairplay Publishing initially started with publishing fiction and non-fiction sports related books. Over the years, it has grown to encompass a variety of genres and created two sister publishing companies called Popcorn Press and Pepper Press. They are based in Manly, Australia and primarily sell their books through their website,

  • Create branding that spoke to the Fairplay Publishing. This included both web and print products.

    Create brand recognition for future customers

    Clear, concise assets that tied the brand together

    Create strong brand recognition

  • For Fairplay Publishing, the initial branding was fairly basic. I worked to create some additional branding elements that could be used in these branding pieces, as well as rolled out for future branding.

    These included stripes and a thick yellow block that you see in the logo. I also brought in a light grey that is helpful to make the brand pallet more diverse.

    I worked to create a clean brand look that was fun and inviting, but still spoke to the kind of audience that purchases these books. Although there are some more diverse books in their collection these days, Fairplay Publishing is aimed mostly to sport lovers.

"Fantastic work and lovely to work with. Will definitely return to Kimberly when we need similar work again.”

- Bonita Mersiades, CEO and Founder of Fairplay Publishing

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